The HUD Public Housing Program is also known as PH or PHP. It is another type of program you can utilize for help with rent if you qualify. Disabled, elderly and low-income citizens may be able to get assistance through HUD’s PH program. 

However, this type of housing assistance does not come in the form of vouchers to give to a landlord. Instead, HUD has housing complexes or units it operates directly. Therefore, if you qualify, your landlord is HUD. 

Tips for Finding Affordable Apartments With the HUD Public Housing Program

The elimination of an actual landlord allows HUD to charge much lower rental rates. The amount you pay when in the program is determined by your family’s income level and may change if your family income changes.

A major difference between finding cheap apartments for rent under Section 8 or another voucher program and doing so while enrolled in HUD PH is you have a smaller selection of possible apartments to choose from

However, many more real estate investors have come onto the market as a result of the volatile real estate market. Many of these investors purchase run down homes, fix them up, and then convert them into Section 8 housing. So, if there are no homes in your area, continue to check back in as new homes are certified for the Section 8 and public housing program routinely.

There are specific buildings or apartment complexes in your area that are designated as PH apartments. Therefore, you can only rent a unit in one of those specific complexes. That may make it difficult for you to find cheap studio apartments or apartments with the specific layouts or amenities you want. However, it allows HUD to provide you and other program members with carefully selected, safe, affordable housing.

To determine eligibility for Public Housing, HUD uses a series of specific calculations and assessments, beginning with income level. By HUD standards, a low-income family has an income that is 80% or less than the median income. 

In 2021, the median income for a family of four in the United States was $79,900. However, median incomes vary by region. Regional standards are used by local PHA officials to determine HUD Public Housing eligibility. 

Your ability to get PH assistance is also determined by other factors. For example, your family size impacts the median income levels used to determine your PH eligibility. Officials at your local PHA must also assess any unique needs that may impact whether you qualify.

For example, if you or someone in your household is disabled or elderly, you are more likely to meet Public Housing eligibility standards. To find out, visit your PHA Office and complete an application for PH assistance. If you qualify, your family may still need to wait until a PH apartment unit becomes available.

Certain other properties are also available for low-income families. Among them are properties that are part of the Low-income Housing Tax Credit Program. See the next slide for details.